California man who paid McLennan County girl for explicit photos sentenced to 10 years in prison

 California man who paid McLennan County girl for explicit photos sentenced to 10 years in prison

WACO, Texas (KWTX) - A California man who paid an 11-year-old McLennan County girl to send him explicit photos on Snapchat was sentenced to 10 years in prison Thursday.

Visiting Judge Roy Sparkman sent William Scott Kenneth Yaple, 30, of Desert Hot Springs, Calif., to prison in exchange for his guilty plea to online solicitation of a minor, a second-degree felony.

Yaple, who was arrested in June 2022 by Desert Hot Springs police on multiple child pornography counts, sent the girl a “quick add” request from a Snapchat account with the display name “Billy Yaple” and the user name “illbillvol3″ in February 2023.

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Yaple asked the girl’s age, and she told him she was 11, according to arrest documents in the case. Yaple claimed to be 13 or 14, the victim reported to authorities, and said he would pay the girl for pictures of her feet.

The girl sent “a downward angled picture,” which included her feet, to her friends, but Yaple accidentally was included in the group, an arrest affidavit alleges.

Yaple later sent the girl $5 using a Cash App account. Yaple requested sexually explicit photos from the girl, and she obtained “random nude pictures from a friend” and sent them to Yaple, according to an arrest affidavit.

Yaple then sent four Cash App payments totaling $115 to the girl, the affidavit alleges.

McLennan County authorities contacted police officials in Desert Hot Springs, who confirmed that the phone number, user name and IP address Yaple used to contact the McLennan County girl were the same as ones he used in the California child pornography cases, court records state.
